
We’re thrilled to welcome you on this epic journey where you’ll soon splash into the world of digital creativity, sharpen your skills, and unlock the secrets of digital marketing—all while having a blast through fun, hands-on learning activities. Below is everything you need to know to prepare for this adventure!

Let’s Go Viral! is designed to boost your digital content creation skills, like video editing, graphic design and storytelling, and your social media management expertise. You’ll also learn the basics of digital marketing, so you can share your creations with the world and make a real impact. The project emphasizes non-formal learning, ensuring that every moment is interactive, practical, and collaborative.

We can’t wait to start this adventure with you! This project isn’t just about gaining new skills—it’s about connecting with others, letting your creativity run wild, and making a difference.

Get ready to learn, create, and grow in a vibrant, international setting!

What to Expect

Participant Profile

  • Residents or citizens from any of these countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Serbia.

  • Optimal Age range: 16+ years old
  • Available to attend the whole duration of the program and participate in all the sessions.

  • Motivated to dive into the world of digital creativity, learn about effective social media strategies, content creation, and meet people from different cultures.

  • Open-minded and willing to help.
  • Expresses a willingness to disseminate the youth exchange and its results to other groups of young people.

  • Currently not receiving any funds from the European Union (e.g.: participating in an Erasmus exchange program within University).

Location and Venue

Chata Pod Lipami is a cozy, rustic chalet nestled in the picturesque town of Rokytnice nad Jizerou, surrounded by the beautiful Jizera Mountains. Participants will be accommodated in shared rooms, housing 4-6 individuals, with room assignments based on international diversity and separated by gender.

Each participant will be served three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Participants’ dietary preferences should be provided during the application process, to ensure meals are prepared accordingly.

Activity Schedule

  • Day 1-2: Welcome and team building

    The first two days are all about getting to know each other and laying the foundation for a strong, collaborative group. You’ll participate in ice-breaking activities, team-building exercises, and cultural exchanges that will help create a positive and inclusive atmosphere. We’ll also introduce you to the project’s goals and the non-formal learning approach we’ll be using throughout.

  • Day 3-9: Mastering digital skills

    We’ll focus on enhancing our technical abilities through practical workshops and creative projects. We’ll begin by exploring the basics of digital content creation, such as crafting compelling videos, designing eye-catching graphics, and creating engaging social media posts. Early on, we’ll dive into the world of social media by creating TikTok videos or Instagram reels. As the days progress, we’ll delve deeper into video production and editing, mastering the tools and techniques needed to produce professional-quality content.

    Additionally, we’ll work on designing a social media content calendar, where we’ll strategize how to promote our brand over a month. We’ll also develop our graphic design capabilities, learning how to create visually appealing content that communicates effectively. Further sessions will have us analyzing well-known marketing campaigns, giving us valuable insights into digital marketing strategies and understanding how to tailor content for different audiences and platforms. By the end of this phase, we’ll have built a strong foundation in digital competencies, equipped to create, promote, and strategically share our own content with confidence.

  • Day 10: Reflection and celebration

    On the final day, we’ll reflect on everything we’ve accomplished together. You’ll have the chance to share your thoughts, give feedback, and celebrate your achievements. We’ll wrap up the day by discussing future dissemination activities, reflecting on our experiences, and assessing the program’s impact. We will distribute Youthpasses, followed by a fun and festive celebration to mark the end of our journey.

Useful information

  • Participation costs: There are no participation costs. Travel, accommodation, and food are funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. However, to avoid last-minute cancelations, participants who are selected will need to pay a 50€ deposit to confirm their participation. This is to avoid last-minute cancelations and to cover possible damages caused by the participants on the accommodation. The money is sent back after the activity.

  • Travel: The 17th of October and the 28th of October will be the travel days. The Portuguese team will travel by plane, while other teams will use bus, train, or shared car transportation. Once participants are selected, project coordinators will work together on developing a travel itinerary. Participants who prefer to buy the travel tickets for themselves, should inform the project coordinators in advance and save digital copies of their tickets for reimbursement.

  • Health & Insurance: We do not organize insurance for our participants. If they wish to have coverage, participants must arrange insurance for themselves. However, we ask all participants to bring their European Health Insurance Cards, which can be used if they need hospital care.

  • What to bring: Identification card or passport, towel, Euro as pocket money to buy personal items (we recommend to bring cash since there might not be an ATM near the venue), laptop (if possible), national food or a typical vest for the gastro and cultural nights, speaker, board games, comfortable and enough clothes for the days of the activity and for outdoor activities as well.

  • Terms & Conditions: Refer to for detailed terms and conditions.

  • Q&A: Have doubts? Feel free to reach us through our social media channels.

  • Note: We made some changes to our application portal. Even if you already created an account, you might need to click “Sign up now”, validate your email, and create a password. All your previous data will be synchronized through your email address.

How to Take Part?

Sign in to your account or if you don’t have one sign up now and apply.

Deadline to apply: 30.09.2024

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.